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‘CRIMINAL OFFENSE’: DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming said he felt that Taiwan’s democracy has come to an end following a scuffle with protesters outside the legislatureBy Alison Hsiao / Staff reporterThe Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and its legislative caucus, as well as the Executive Yuan and Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全), yesterday condemned an incident in which DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘) was pushed to the ground outside the Legislative Yuan by people protesting against proposed amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法).Dozens of protesters yesterday morning gathered outside the Legislative Yuan building’s gate on Qingdao E Road, shouting against the proposed amendments, especially the proposed cut of seven national holidays.Around noon, the protesters saw Ker on Zhenjiang Street after he left the Legislative Yuan building to go to his office. The group pushed against a police barricade at the intersection of Qingdao E Road and Zhenjiang Street, threw water at Ker and pushed him to the ground.Ker was escorted back to the Legislative Yuan building, while the protesters continued the push against the barricade, where people said that they had been hurt.The demonstrators also reportedly threw several smoke grenades to an area cordoned off by police officers on Zhenjiang Street.Ker later said that he was kicked and was also hit by a water bottle hurled at him.“What kind of democracy and progressive value is it when lawmakers proposing amendments are subjected to calls of recall and are beaten when legislating controversial bills?” Ker asked, adding that he felt that “Taiwan’s democracy has come to an end.”Ker was recently criticized by people supporting same-sex marriage for proposing special legislation for gay couples — which many consider to be implicit discrimination — rather than amending the Civil Code.He said that when he was surrounded by the protesters, police officers standing nearby did not come to his aid, but instead asked his assistant to find the officer in charge.“The police officers’ way of handling the issue indeed requires serious investigation,” he said.DPP Deputy Secretary-General Lee Chun-yee (李俊毅) said violent protests “offer no help to policy discussion that could instead be undertaken with opinions expressed rationally and peacefully,” and called on prosecutors and police to investigate the incident, “which constituted a criminal offense,” without delay.The attack was a sign of democratic regression, Lee said, adding that “Taiwanese would not support the use of banned materials, such as smoke bombs, which could have hurt civilians and police officers.”The DPP demands an apology from the labor groups that organized the protest, he said.The DPP caucus also held a news conference denouncing the attack, with DPP caucus director-general Wu Ping-jui (吳秉叡) saying Ker’s retinue were also hurt during the tussle.The group stirred up trouble by throwing smoke grenades and threatened to ram Ker with a car parked at the intersection, Wu said, adding that the actions of a small group of people would cost whatever room was left for negotiation.The Executive Yuan and Su issued statements condemning the violence, with the speaker adding that he felt “heart-stricken to see a lawmaker being subject to intimidation for carrying out his legislative duty.”Presidential Office spokesperson Alex Huang (黃重諺) said President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) was concerned after she heard about the incident and asked Presidential Office Acting Secretary-General Jason Liu (劉建忻) to call Ker to express her wishes for the caucus whip’s recovery and also asked about his assistants’ condition.The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) issued a news release saying that while the party is against violence, taking to the streets was the last resort that people were left with and they cannot take it anymore, adding that workers would not have gone on a hunger strike if the government was not dismissive of their demands.Meanwhile, protester Kuo Kuan-chun (郭冠均), referring to a Facebook post by DPP Legislator Tuan Yi-kang (段宜康) stating that the protesters intended to run Ker over with a car, said Tuan’s accusation was groundless, adding that nothing of the kind was considered.Kuo said the protesters wanted to ask Ker about his decision on the proposed amendments when they saw him on Qingdao E Road, adding that the scuffle broke out after police tried to clear a path through the group.The protesters drove the vehicle, on which speakers were mounted, toward Ker to better deliver their questions to him, who was shielded by police, Kuo said, adding that the accusation that they intended to run Ker over was ridiculous.Additional reporting by Cheng Hung-ta and CNA新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
我希望,要用I wish還是I hope ?「克漏字」(cloze)是一種綜合式的練習方法,作法是將短句裡的關鍵字挖空,請受試者必須根據上下文的關係、句型文法,結合閱讀測驗、字彙、文法三方面的技巧,才能填上正確字詞。以下數例中的關鍵字都填入了錯誤的字,請您試著更正。
1.Of all the chairs, only this one is satisfied. 所有椅子中,只有這一張令人滿意。
2.There's a little food left in the refrigerator. I don&衣服批發特價 #39;t think it's enough for you. 冰箱裡只剩下一點點食物,我覺得不夠你吃。
3.I hope I could buy a house near the Xinyi Shopping District; however, I don't have a rich father. 我希望能買一間鄰近信義商圈的房子,但我沒有一個富爸爸。
4.He can't speak English fluently, but studies it with his heart. 他英文說得不流利,但很用心在學。
1.Of all the chairs, only this one is satisfactory.
satisfied是指「人對某事物感到滿意」,例:The customer is satisfied with the pair of shoes.,satisfactory才是表示「某事物令人滿意」。
2.There's little food left in the refrigerator. I don't think it's enough for you.
這句的關鍵在「語氣」:a little和little中文都可解釋成「少的」,但前者用在正面表述,意指「有一些」,後者卻是負面意味濃厚,指「很少的、不足的」。以本句而言,用little才能精準傳達意思。
3.I wish I could buy a house near the Xinyi Shopping District; however, I don't have a rich father.
4.He can't speak English fluently, but studies it with his heart and soul.
By heart的意思不是用心,而是熟記在心,意思不同。with one's heart and soul是「很用心」的慣用語,注意別漏掉了soul。
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